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Oxford Sparks Big Questions

May 2, 2018

HIV isn’t a death sentence anymore. People can live long lives with the virus in their body, as long as they have the right combination of drugs. But some researchers want to take the fight against HIV and AIDS even further... HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that weakens the immune system and hinders the body’s ability to fight disease. Without treatment, HIV could lead to the potentially fatal diagnosis of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). The AIDS epidemic began in the 1980s and millions of lives have been lost since it was first discovered. Over the decades, advances in technology and medical capabilities have brought more advanced HIV treatments. But some researchers are not satisfied with that. They want to take the fight against HIV and AIDS even further. In this episode of the Oxford Sparks Big Question podcast we ask the question: Can you cure HIV? To find out we visited Professor John Frater from the Nuffield Department of Medicine… Listen here to find out…